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Chasing salmon in the valleys of Northern British Columbia

Travel duration 10 Days
Starting price 2.700,00 €

July is one of the most beautiful month here in British Columbia,  with the brisk air smelling like woods and sea, a mixture of moss and oystes.We are in the Skeena Valley, cradle of the most ancient Indian tribes in North America.  It is believed that, along the river Skeena there are tribes inhabiting this place from immemorial time. It will not be easy to meet them along the riverbanks so we advice to visit the beautiful Museum of Anthropology at the University of B.C. In the valley of Skeena River, you will ll begin your adventure with Le Reve Fishing & Outdoor House. In this area every summer  50 millions Pacific salmons  swim back to British Columbia coasts, and at least half of them will enter the water system of river Skeena  and its tributaries. Among them, the giant King, the silvery Coho  and Silver, the prolific and delicious red Sockeye, the powerful Chum and the smallest, but numerous and combative Pink: ferociously struggling for their territory in  the prolific waters of these rivers.
The biggest Steelhead  and most powerful King, weighing over 40 kg wait for you in these waters.
Our qualified guides will be ready to offer you their knowledge and skills on fishing these powerful and often elusive trophies. They will lead you to the places where these fish usually abide, and where you will be able to spin and fish them thanks to the excellent equipment provided such as Sage, Orvis and Loomis. Get ready to a marvellous  show of the Northwest Territories of British  Columbia in Western Canada, with a large number of salmons jumping all around.