Guatemala guided Tour – Flight included

Travel duration 6 Days
Starting price 1.650,00 €

Our Guided Tour in Guatemala starts from Antigua, the beautiful and characteristic town of fascinating colonial atmospheres that the cheerful as well as unusual Hispanic-Baroque architectures, well preserved, give them.The guided tour of the city, as well as showing you the strong colonial Hispanic heritage of Antigua, will start introducing you to the oldest Maya heritage which pervades all of Guatemala. Full immersion in culture and traditions will continue to be the leit motif of this Guided Tour in  Guatemala you will cross the typical villages of the region, visiting lively and picturesque local markets where colorful craftsmanship is offered not only to tourists but also   to the Guatemalan ones themselves. We will serve traditional religious rites, where there is a kind of syncretism between pagan rituals and Catholic religion and you will also be guests for lunch at a local family. The nature you dive on during our Tour is extraordinary and surprising, like the spectacular panorama of the three volcanoes that dominate the horizon of Antigua and the flora of the Tikal National Park, declared by the UNESCO Natural and Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The tropical forest of the park consists of more than 200 species of trees and 2000 species of plants and it houses five species of felines including puma and jaguar, many species of monkeys and over 300 species of birds. During this Guided Tour in Guatemala you will be taken to the park where you will visit the majestic ruins between the almost impenetrable Rainforest of the Maya city of Tikal, which constitute one of the largest if not the largest and monumental Mayan archaeological site of all of Central America. All these wonders will be illustrated by your Italian speaking guide, who will accompany you from the second to the fifth day of the trip.