Hawaii Discovery 2

Kauai Island tour

Travel duration 15 Days
Starting price 1.660,00 €

First Day
You will arrive at Lihue Airport, Kauai. Here you will pick up the rental car and drive to Princeville, in the northern part of the island. When you arrive at your hotel, you will discover the beauty of the place. Or just relax and enjoy the magnificent panorama!

Second Day
After the first acclimatization day, make a breakfast at the hotel, then head west. Just a 10-minute drive to Hanalei Bay Beach Park. The whole Hanalei Bay is one long stretch of white sand, interrupted only by Hanalei Pier, where the Hanalei River reaches the sea. Majestic mountains embrace the bay and in the morning, when the ocean is like a mirror, you can see their silhouette reflected in crystal clear waters. The area is famous for surfing, and is the favorite destination of many local and foreign surfers. There are many companies that offer the option of renting the necessary equipment or if you are a beginner you can take lessons to fully enjoy the atmosphere of the bay. In the evening move to Hanalei Town: this delightful town can offer a lot, from historical points of interest to contemporary art galleries. Breathe the unique atmosphere that it can offer and enjoy the typical local dishes, really delicious.

Third Day
On the morning of the third day take the Kuhio Highway (Highway 56) and head towards
the inland of Kauai. Here you will start a fantastic adventure through the forests and valleys of the island! You will have the opportunity to observe the lush flora that makes Kauai a land of paradise and immerse yourself in the majesty of the tropical forest. The route also includes 9 zip lines (a zip line is a small cable car, a metal cable that you will be secured by a sling), thanks to which you will fly on the tops of trees to admire the beauty that Kauai offers. The latest zip line is a separate adventure: climb up a 8 meter high ramp and dive into a breathtaking descent of nearly 400 meters, a truly unique experience! The tour also includes a stay in a hidden natural pool: dive in crystal clear waters and refresh after the walk. Here you will also enjoy a delicious picnic, based on local specialties. At the end of the day you will return to the hotel to rest after a day of adventure.

Fourth Day
Waimea Canyon is definitely one of the wonders of Garden Island. Take a full day to discover this remote and inaccessible part of the island, set in the west. The Waimea Canyon, which Mark Twain renamed the Grand Canyon of the Pacific, extends for 9 mi. and its walls rise for more than a 3200 ft, creating an unrivaled spectacle. The canyon formed over the centuries due to the erosion of the waters that descended from the summit of Mount Waialeale. Leave your hotel and after about an hour and a half you will arrive at Kekaha, where Kokee Natural History Museum is located. Here you will find plenty of information and maps of the trails that wind up in the Kokee State Park, a reserve that also includes the Waimea Canyon. There are difficult paths and different lengths, so be advised by museum staff who might be more suitable for you! Once you have chosen your excursion head to the Kokee State Park and dive into its uncontaminated nature. The trails are signaled, but a map might be helpful. Along the way there are many scenic spots that sway on the depths of the Waimea Canyon; the most impressive is for sure the Waimea Canyon Overlook: stop and admire the canyon in all its grandeur, you will not be disappointed. Dinner – not included.

Fifth Day
Take the Kuhio Highway again and turn after a few minutes on the Kalihiwali Road. Then take the Anini Road and enjoy a day at Anini Beach Park. Anini Beach, on the north coast of Kauai, is a 5 km long beach, protected by one of Hawaii’s longest coral reefs, making the waters of the beach quiet and safe. Just the absence of currents and the calm sea make Anini Beach a great place to snorkel: the lagoon is home to numerous marine species such as crossbow fish, parrot fish and unicorn fish. Thanks to its clear waters and its rich underwater life, many consider Anini Beach one of the best places to snorkel on Kauai. The sea breeze blowing on the area also brings many windsurfing lovers here. Kite boarding, kite surfing and wind surfing are all activities that attract visitors from all corners of the world and give you the chance to fully enjoy all that Anini Beach Park can offer.

Sixth Day
On the morning of the sixth day you will wake up early to go to Hanapepe Bay, located in the southern part of the island. Here you will begin one of the most exciting experiences of your life, which will bring you to discover the majestic beauty of NaPali Coast: 30 kilometers of uncontaminated nature, with the green pinnacles of the mountains, 1200 meters high, that tower on the sea. Historians believe that the first inhabitants of the island settled in this inaccessible corner of the island, but that provided them with everything they needed to survive: springs, fertile valleys inland, spontaneous vegetation, and a sea full of fish that can be fished. After admiring the coast you will cross the channel separating Kauai from Niihau, “The forbidden island”. With a population of only 250 people, it is the smallest of the Hawaiian inhabited islands, and has long been off limits for visitors. Once they came to Niihau you will dive in clear waters for a snorkeling day, during which you will enjoy the uniqueness of the island’s conformation. After visiting Niiahu you will return to Hanapepe Bay again. From here, go west along Salt Pond Road and relax in Salt Pond Beach Park. Ideal for swimming and sunbathing, Salt Pond Beach Park has been used for generations from the natives of the island for the production of natural salt. Enjoy the quiet atmosphere that has made this beach one of the favorites of the local residents.

Seventh Day
Head west along the coast. After about 15 minutes drive you will arrive at Haena Point, where Tunnels Beach is located. Nestled between Hanalei Beach and NaPali Coast, Tunnels Beach is one of Kauai’s most enchanting beaches. The mountains surrounding the bay make a wonderful beach front, which is definitely one of the island’s most exciting spots for snorkeling, diving or surfing. What makes it unique is its vast lagoon and its imposing coral reefs: Tunnels Beach has two coral reefs, an interior and an exterior, the latter so impressive to be visible from space too! And it’s just the galleries, the tunnels that open in the coral reef to name the beach and make it so special. The inner barrier is ideal for families and beginner snorkelers, while the more experienced ones usually venture into the discovery of the exterior, formed by tunnels excavated in the lava and spectacular coral formations. Here you can encounter many varieties of fish and other marine species, including the white whale shark reef, parrotfish and turtles. Tunnels Beach is also a great place for body surfing, surfing and wind surfing, thanks to its perfect waves.

Eighth Day
On the morning of the eighth day you will be at Lihue Airport, in the southern part of Kauai, where you will start a day exploring the Big Island, Hawaii Island! After being landed in Hilo, a guide will accompany you to the Kalapana Eruption Site. Covered with
melted lava after an eruption in 1990, this is a perfect spot to observe the lava flowing from the Kilauea Volcano to the Pacific Ocean. Kilauea is one of the most active volcanoes in the world and is one of five huge volcanoes that form Hawaii Island. For the natives of the island it represents the body of Pele, the goddess of the volcano of ancient Hawaiian legends. Many lava formations have taken their name right from the goddess, like Pele’s Tears (small drops of lava flying in the air during the eruptions) and Pele’s Hair. The tour then goes through Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, touching the Halema’uma’u crater, at the top of Kilauea. You will then move to the Kilauea Iki Crater, which offers the sight of volcanic vapors of sulfur gas emerging from the crater. You will then descend, in the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, in the Pristine Native Rainforest. Walk through the lush rainforest paths and observe the flora and fauna, like birds and multicolored lizards lying on the trees. Then enter the exquisite Thurston Lava Tube, a 500-year old lava tunnel: discovered in 1913 by a local publisher, the tunnel is what remains of a lava river running impetuously from the top of Pu’u O’o to the waters of the Ocean. Then visit the Jaggar Museum – located at the base of the Kilauea Volcano, inside it there is a collection of objects and instruments used by scientists to study the volcano. There are also seismographs, which keep uninterrupted Kilauea activity unchanged. The day will continue to Rainbow Falls, one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world. Here the Wailuku River makes a 80ft jump, flying over a cave that local legends tell of being the house of goddess Hina. Waterfall flows into a magnificent natural pool of turquoise water, surrounded by lush tropical flora. Finally visit Hilo Town and its beaches of black volcanic sand, formed following the eruptions of the Kilauea volcano. At the end of the day, you will return to Hilo Airport, from where you will go back to Lihue again, then return to get some deserved rest in your rooms.

Ninth Day
Move west to Waimea: you will arrive at Polihale State Park. The park is located in the westernmost part of Kauai and except Niihau Island is the most point west of Hawaii. Park and walk to the beach through dunes up to 30 meters. Polihale Beach is a wild beach, where snorkelling is not recommended because of the heavy currents. The rewarding landscape will take your breath away: Polihale beach meets in the north with the high cliffs of NaPali Coast, making this part of Kauai a dream place. Enjoy the calm of this white beach, usually not crowded. Due to the open sea, it is advisable to bathe only in the southern part of the park at Queen’s Pond. Due to its geographical location, the sunset here is truly unique. Stay as long as the sun dives into the ocean: a spectacle that is to be experienced once in a lifetime!

Tenth Day
The tenth day drive south for about 45 minutes to Lihue. From here you will begin your helicopter tour: sit down and enjoy the show. So you can admire the majesty of Kauai from above! Your trip will start flying over the spectacular Hanapepe Valley, then continue on the Mana Waipuna, commonly known as the “Jurassic Park Falls”. The name is due to the fact that director Steven Spielberg chose these waterfalls and the surrounding forest as a set for his famous Jurassic Park movie! The tour will continue sull’Olokele Canyon then get to the impressive Waimea Canyon, the famous Grand Canyon of the Pacific! It will then be the turn of the spectacular NaPali Coast and Bali Hai Cliffs, then get to the pristine sea of Hanalei Bay and the area of Princeville. At the end you will visit the Wailua Falls and, if time permits, the crater off of the Waialeale volcano. Flying in the center of the crater with its 4900 ft high walls that surround you is a really breathtaking experience, the best way to end your tour! You will then return to Lihue Airport. It is a good opportunity to know a little about the town, which is the most lively of the island due to the airport and the port of Nawiliwili Harbor. Take a trip to Kalapaki Beach, or take advantage of Kauai’s history and art by visiting the Kauai Museum, the Grove Farm Homestead Museum or the Kilohana Estate.

Eleventh Day
Drive south to Koloa. Here you will make your first dive lesson! This program is perfect for anyone who has no experience – qualified instructors, who will give you theoretical notions before, then let you test in the pool and safely all that which you will have learned, will introduce you to the world of scuba diving. You will be provided with all the necessary equipment and you will experience the thrill of your first dive! Once you finish this mini course you will be ready to face the ocean in the afternoon. You will climb on a boat that will take you offshore and once divided into groups, the most experienced on the one hand and the novices on the other, you can dive with the instructors and go down to a depth of 50 ft. You will be witness to Kauai’s underwater life and you will experience a truly unforgettable experience! It is not difficult to see many species in these waters, such as sea turtles, murine, polyps, fish frogs, lobsters, and an endless variety of fish typical of the coral reef. A real experience not to be missed, for any reason in the world.

Twelfth Day
Take the road towards East for a short drive to Kilauea Lighthouse. The lighthouse is located on a narrow peninsula rising 650 feet above sea level and is considered one of Kauai’s most famous attractions. Built in 1913 to drive merchant ships passing and 50 feet tall, for its location lies in a truly impressive location. From here you have a fabulous view of the northern sloping shore and the deep waters that bathe it. Near the Kilauea Lighthouse there is also the Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge, a reserve where nesting many species of sea birds who chose this remote corner of Kauai as a home. Here you can see the red-footed booby by, Laysan albatross,
the red-tailed tropicbird, the goose of Hawaii, the Pacific Golden Plover, the big frigates, with their two-and-a-half-inch wingspan, and an infinity of other species. In the waters below you can also see dolphins, humpback, sea turtles and monk seals, to be witness to the complexity and beauty of the Kauai fauna. Once explored the area go back to your hotel, or if you are a sports fan, take advantage of one of the many golf courses located in the area around Princeville.

Thirteenth Day
In the morning you leave for the Spouting Horn Park, located south of Kauai. The Spouting Horn is one of the natural wonders of the Garden Island. The phenomenon is possible thanks to a slit which opens in the jagged coast and when the waves crash on the rocks, the water is channeled into this opening, sprayed into the air for 50ft.
A real geyser, albeit of a different kind. There is another slit near the Spouting Horn, but it does not spray water, but only air, with a really distinctive noise. An ancient legend explains what would this noise cause? Once a giant lizard (Mo’o) watched this part of the coast and eating those who were swimming or fishing in these waters. One day a bathing man was attacked by Mo’o, and to escape, he jumped through the Spouting Horn slit, while the big lizard, chasing him, could not pass through, remaining locked. The legend says Mo’o is still there today and cries and complains of hunger and pain. After enjoying the view of the Spouting Horn by car you will move to Hanapepe Bay, where in the early afternoon, will depart a boat tour which will bring you back to admire the magnificence of NaPali Coast. There is nothing like a sunset in Kauai and there is no better way to admire him by boat. Look at the changing colors of the coast while the sun falls into the ocean and if you are lucky you will see the whales passing through these waters. The tour will end in Port Allen, in Hanapepe Bay and here you can take advantage of one abundant meal before returning to your hotel rooms.

Fourteenth Day
Head south for about an hour, until you arrive at Poipu Beach Park. It includes two of the most famous beaches of Poipu, Poipu Beach and Brennecke Beach. Wavy coconut trees highlight the green meadows of the park and provide this area with a perfect profile for sensational sunsets. Pavilions scattered here and there and picnic tables offer shelter from the hot sun and are a great place to eat something. It is no accident that Poipu Beach has been repeatedly designated as the best beach in America. The bay is divided into two parts – one part is more protected from currents and is ideal for children or for those who are not good swimmers. The other part is great for swimming and snorkeling. Near the beach there are many companies offering equipment rental for activities of any type, from surf body to surf and so on. A strip of sand that is often occupied by the monk seals, who know how good this corner of Kauai can be, divides the two parts of the bay! There are only about 1200 nun seals now in all Hawaii and the vast majority resides right on Garden Island. From Poipu Beach you can also spot humpbacks and green sea turtles, as well as humuhumunukunukuapuaa, a colorful tropical fish inhabiting the island’s reefs.
There is a curious saying, according to which the word humuhumunukunukuapuaa is longer than the fish itself!
Devote your day to discover the beauty of the park, or take advantage of the shops, which are just a few meters away, for shopping or for a taste of the delicacies that local chefs they can offer you.

Fifteenth Day
Transfer to the airport, delivery of the rented vehicle and return flight.